Aptitude Test, personality
People are increasingly defining themselves by their line of work, and the first question most people hear upon meeting someone new is, "What do you do?" It is no wonder that career happiness is a significant predictor of overall happiness. If you are plugging away for 40-plus hours a week at a job you hate, it is difficult to find energy and motivation for much else. Conversely, people who love their jobs often find themselves energized, satisfied, and brimming over with new ideas.
Too often, people make career decisions based upon chance and/or past experience. If you majored in psychology, for example, odds are good that you will pursue a career in psychology, even if it is no longer your passion. Over time, this can make it increasingly difficult to notice and build upon your other talents or strengths.
This Career Personality and Aptitude Test can give you a better understanding of your job options no matter where you are in life. For students just beginning to think about careers, it may give you some help with choosing majors, internships, and classes. If you are established in your career, this test may help you decide if it is time to start a new career or make some changes in the way you structure your working life.
Aptitude is an important part of any career. You may love math, but if you are not good at it, it is highly unlikely that you will be successful in a math-related career. Similarly, you may have aptitudes you do not even know about. Thus this test measures not just your interests, but also your abilities based on your education and your own reporting of your strengths and weaknesses. This enables the test to make much stronger recommendations than a test that measures only interests or aptitude.
GoodTherapy.org has partnered with PsychTests AIM Inc. as the assessment provider for this test, which contains 240 questions. It takes about 60 minutes to complete, so take it when you are comfortable and have some extra time to really think about your responses. Remember that, like all online psychology tests, the Career Personality and Aptitude Test relies on your reporting, so it is important to answer questions honestly. At the end of your test, you will get a brief snapshot report of the results, and the option to buy a full report containing pages of analysis of your unique set of interests and aptitudes.