Practise Logical Reasoning tests
Critical reasoning questions test your ability to analyze logical arguments. The arguments cover a range of topics and situations which average GMAT-takers would be expected to be able to understand, even if they are not very familiar with the subject area.
You do not need to know formal logic. You do need to be able to evaluate a piece of reasoning.
How to approach critical reasoning questions
- Read the argument carefully. Wherever possible, identify premises, assumptions and conclusion. (Take approx. 30 seconds to understand.)
- Take a few extra seconds to make sure you understand the conclusion of the argument.
- Read the question prompt to find what you are asked to do (strengthen / weaken / find assumption etc.) and then think what a correct answer might involve. (Take approx. 30 seconds to think.)
- Now read the answer choices. Select the best answer � this should be easy if you have not rushed the previous steps. (Take approx. 30 seconds to read and select.)
Try the questions in our free practice tests. Read the explanations to the ones you get wrong.
Analyze the information on which each question is based, and then choose the most appropriate of the answer choices.
More information
Before taking the test you should do all the critical reasoning questions in The Official Guide for GMAT Review, 12th Edition . The explanations written by the test-makers are very helpful.