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Online Logical Reasoning test with answers

Similar to abstract reasoning and diagrammatic aptitude tests, logical reasoning tests measure your ability to work flexibly with unfamiliar information and solve problems. Each test question displays a series of shapes/objects. Your task is to identify the underlying logical rules of each series and use this information to select the missing shape from a number of options. Candidates who perform well on the inductive reasoning aptitude test tend to demonstrate a better capability for analytical and conceptual thinking.

Logical reasoning test example question

In a logical reasoning test question, you are given a group or series of shapes that are related based on one or more logical rules. For example:

In the above example, there are three shapes that make a sequential series (i.e. one shape changes or evolves to the next one). The rule in this series is that the black dots move clockwise along the perimeter one place at a time.

What to expect in your logical reasoning aptitude test:

  • Logical reasoning tests are timed. You should allow around 30 seconds for each test question. To master your logical reasoning aptitude test, you must be familiar with all the ins and outs of your logical reasoning test.
  • Typically, the easier test questions are at the beginning, but the level of difficulty increases as you progress.
  • Each question has a group of images and between four and five optional answers. Your task is to identify the logical rules and patterns that define the series of shapes, and then decide which is the correct answer (e.g. the missing shape in the series, the odd one out, or the next shape in the series).

How to prepare you for your logical reasoning test

The Institute of Psychometric Coaching (IPC) offers online preparation developed by experienced psychologists. These psychologists have created aptitude tests and administered them to candidates applying for jobs with many local and international companies. Our preparation solutions are quick, effective, affordable, and tailored to the level of difficulty and complexity of the position you are applying for.

IPC’s online practice logical reasoning tests –

The largest pool of abstract and logical reasoning aptitude test questions.

Test questions are tailored to your industry and job level.

All test questions and answers have been developed by experienced test writers.

Immediate full test reports that include your total score, a list of your correct and incorrect answers, and detailed explanations of answers. This ensures that you quickly recognise your strengths and the areas that need improvement.

Immediate and practical recommendations on how to improve your outcome.

Effective solutions to train your mind to recognise patterns quickly and correctly solve problems.

IPC’s online logical reasoning test course

Know the do’s and don’t’s of this abstract or logical reasoning test.

All course material has been developed by experienced test writers.

Learn effective aptitude test-taking strategies to ensure you answer more questions in the given time.

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