Tricky Job Interview Questions and How to Handle Them
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Preparing for a job interview usually involves researching the company, polishing your foreign language skills, and maybe picking up a suit from dry cleaners. No matter how ready you may feel, there are always some questions that interviewers might ask just to surprise you. Let’s take a look at some sneaky questions shared with us by employees after their job interviews. How would you handle them?
What irritates you about your coworkers?
Think twice before elaborating on past arguments with your work colleagues. Chances are your future employer is looking for an easygoing person, who is able to work in a team and get along with pretty much everyone. Focusing on your coworkers’ flaws will not make you appear in a more positive light and will only reflect poorly on your social skills, as well as your flexibility. Make sure to mention your readiness to resolve any disputes quickly. You do not want to appear gossipy or seem like a person who feels superior to others.
What Would You Do If You Won The Lottery?
While this sounds like an easy, fun question your friend could ask you at a party, answering it in formal circumstances will be much more difficult. After all, your potential employer wouldn’t appreciate you admitting you would quit your job and move to Hawaii to spend your days sipping cold drinks on a beach. Your answer needs to show that you can plan effectively and it shouldn’t give an impression you’re only interested in the position because you need the money. Find a way to prove to the interviewer winning the lottery would not change your productivity and your enthusiasm for the job. On the other hand, claiming money doesn’t mean anything to you will be seen as dishonest and can discourage employers who are looking for more straightforward employees they can trust completely.
Note: A similar, more straightforward question can also be asked: if you won the lottery would you still work for us? Make sure to have an appropriate response ready.
What makes you think you will be successful in this job?
This is yet another question that needs to be reflected upon prior to the interview. To provide a unique answer you will need to carefully analyze what you can bring to the job and think about any past examples that can prove it. Bragging about your skills won’t mean much unless you can provide real life situations where those skills turned out to be irreplaceable. Of course, coming up with random strengths won’t do the job. Think about the skills needed for the specific position and only then choose which qualities will be needed to successfully carry out the duties expected by this specific company and its management.
Remember that most of the time the interviewers will encourage you to ask them questions about the job position as well. Make sure to prepare some questions which will not only provide you will valuable information but will also prove to the interviewer that you have come prepared and treat the position seriously.