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Engineering internship Interview questions

I have got the experience for Full Time Job Position interviews at Google/Microsoft/Apple etc,

For any reason : You need to follow a very organized and disciplined approach to prepare for the Software Engineering Job at Facebook/Google/Amazon/Microsoft etc.

Actually all these companies e.g. MS, Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple follow an approach on which that measure the thought process of a candidate.

And they use different means to evaluate that, but yes most of them uses Algorithms/Data Structures/Open-ended questions(If you have applied for a software engineering job) as one of the approach to evaluate the talent.( As those are the base to develop the technologies).

To be accustomed with algos/data structure/coding, you must have understood/practiced the minimum e.g. :

(Step-1): You should have practical understanding of the Algorithms (e.g. When to use BackTracking, When to Use Divide and Conquer, Why double hashing required?, Where brute force concept can be applied?) (100 Hours).

(Step-2): You should have practical understanding of Data Structures e.g. (Practical use cases related to :when to use circular buffer, or when to use adjacently list or the combination of both or something else to solve the problem ).
(100 Hours)

(Step-3) : You must practice several coding problems to implement the things which learn from Step-1, and Step-2 (you may do the following choose any coding language for the choice of yours (C, C++ or Java or Python or PHP or any one else ).
(100 Hours)

(Step-4): Solving the problem doesn't mean just to solve it, but to understand the best way to solve it e.g. The given technical problem can use various ways to come to solution, and you might want to use the optimal one. (How you connect the given solution with the computing/memory resources e.g. Memory/Processing Power)
(100 Hours)

Most Important One.

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